Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you had amazing last night and you’ll have an even more amazing next year! Today I’m sharing my Goals of 2018 with you and can’t wait to hear/read about your ones!

© Anna Can Do It!
Goals of 2018
The goals are not in any particular order 🙂
- Language exam:
I started learning Esperanto around July, but the craziness of the next couple of month got me stop for a bit. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue the studying and take a language exam this year!
- Degree:
The last semester of uni is just ahead of me, so I’ve got a lot of work to do until my graduation this June. Also, if I finally take the language exam I need to, I’ll finally get my previous degree too. So hopefully this year I’ll get 2 degrees.
- Wedding:
Now it’s a big one! The family already knows our plan to have our wedding on 8th of August, but we got a lot to do until then! I don’t know how or what will/can I blog about it, but as soon as we filled the legal stuff about it and have an official date and place, I’ll share!
- Blog Growth:
I did a way better job than I thought I’d do! But there is still so much to achieve and can’t wait to experience it all with you guys!
- Tattoo:
I’ve been thinking about and wanting this for so many years, but I’ll make it happen this year! Now all I need is an amazing tattoo artist!
- Health:
Last year I’ve got a constant runny nose, constantly coughing (I still do) and I’ve got fever way too many times. So it’s time for me take my health in my hand and finally get over with this cold all year long.
- Balance-Relax:
As I mentioned before, the last couple of months have been crazy stressful. So it’s time to find balance, relax more and stress less! However I know it’ll be hard, but I’ll have to work on it.
- Workout:
Laci and I talked about it a few days ago and actually, he reminded me of how happier I am when I workout. So I’ll work on my workouts this year. Now all I need is get my health back!
- Happiness:
Well, this one is connected to all the previous one, so I need to work on them to get this one! But we’ll get there.
- New Job:
We’ll see what the future will bring, but it’ll be easier to find a job with my degrees in my hand.
- Moving & First Home *
It’s a hard one, just like the previous goal. I’ll depend on our financial situation. We’ll see. But definitely a goal.
- Baby on the way *
Well after the wedding (yep, I’m old-fashioned on this one), it’ll depend on only financial matters. So we’ll see if it’ll postpone to the next years…
What are your Goals of 2018?
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© Anna Can Do It!
Also, check these recipes out!
- Healthy New Year, Healthier You – Healthy Snacks
- Baby Spinach Pesto – Pesto Pizza
- Green Tea Healthy Gummies with Honey Lemon Ginger
- Adagio Tea Review
- Spicy Stuffed Mushroom
Autumn Recipes
- Halloween Ghost Marshmallow Apple Pear Pie
- Roasted Butternut Squash with Cinnamon Honey Sauce
- Homemade Caramel Sauce
- Hot Butterbeer – Caramel Latte
- Pumpkin Parfait With Sesame Praline