© Anna Can Do It!
I wanted to keep the Blog as light as I can! But to be honest, there are things in one’s life that just way too much to not say a word about…So let me share you my Awful Days – Pork Bone Soup.
I promise my whining won’t be too long, but let me explain my lack of presence lately….
I know I’ve been not myself lately and I’m very down behind with my posts, which is why I am really sorry now. These last few weeks have been awful…
First of all the school year just begun, there are so much work to do, so many paper to hand out, get sign, gather in, organize, every student, every parent and every teacher have their own problem, and it seems like we are (office staff) the only one’s can solve…at least they think that. We have some serious deadlines and statistics to do, so all in all, this school year started chaotic…
Beside the start of the school year, I’m feeling tired once again lately (it’s the stress I know…), but what’s worse, I caught cold or I don’t know what, but I’m feeling worse and worse day by day. In spite of I’m taking my vitamins, my nose is running, I’m coughing, I have a light fever for 1.5 week now, my head and all my joins are hurt, so it make the work harder….I’m trying to get better soon, I can’t afford a sick leave now, nor the school…
The worst thing of all that Laci’s dad admitted to the hospital few weeks ago, we saw him getting worse and worse…they diagnosed lung cancer and brain tumor this summer, he got his treatment, but it doesn’t seemed like working. The doctor told us that the treatment may lengthen his life for a year or so, but just if he’s lucky…well, he just wasn’t the lucky one…he passed away this morning….and this makes 2 relatives in 3 month from Laci’s side…we just buried his grandfather 2 months ago…it’s so unbelievably distressful and not fair…
So I’m trying to be back in the blogging wagon, but these things makes it really hard…
Last week, when I caught cold, I cooked a really delicious, body and soul warming pork bone soup…
Pork Bone Soup
- 500 gr pork bone I used ribs, so I had some meat on the bones too
- 1 celery knob
- 5 carrots
- 1 red onion
- 1 kohlrabi
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 clove of garlic
- salt pepper, cumin, red paprika
- water
- For preparation, peel the carrots, the onion, the celery know, the garlic and the kohlrabi.
- Dice the onion, crush the garlic, chop the carrots, the celery and the kohlrabi.
- Sauté the onion and the garlic.
- Add the bay leaves, and the spices.
- Quickly add the bones and the veggies.
- Pour water onto them and cook it on low heat for 2-3 hours or on middle heat for 1 hour.
- We usually drain it, then cook some vermicelli or spiral pasta into it.
The soup made me feel a little better, at least it was a perfect comfort food! My family was grateful to it too! It’s worth to try!
I hope my whining wasn’t too much and I hope you had a better week!
What do you do when you catch cold to feel better?
Now I’m gonna go to sleep, but in the meanwhile, tell me your thoughts!
Have a great week!