Hey Everyone!
We’re half way through the week, isn’t it great?!
This and the next week will be extremely busy since the school year almost comes to its end, so this post gonna be a quick Wednesday catch up. 🙂

© Anna Can Do It!
Our cat, Cilike is pregnant again and I really hope this time there won’t be any problem…finger crossed. (And hopefully I’ll be able to post some cute picture of the little ones as soon as they arrive…)
My knee is getting better, I just need to rest it for a couple of days. I realized yesterday that I pulled a muscle in my inner thigh too, so it’s not just my knee, it’s not surprising that I could hardly stand on…
I’m really trying to finish the workout plan and the printable as fast as I can, so hopefully I’ll post them this week.
It’s hot, hot, hot in here, I wish I was at a beach, a cocktail in my hand (never ever had one…) and my legs in the water…
Okay, now tell me about your week!
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