S’Mores Mini Pies with Surprise

by Molnár-Papp Orsolya Anna

Hey hey hey!

Who’s ready for more mini pies? I mentioned that I’ll share different flavors, so here is the next one! S’mores Mini Pies with surprise.

S'Mores Mini Pies with Surprise - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

So the surprise in the ‘S’mores Mini Pies with surprise’ is a slice of banana! I promise it’s amazing, and the smell that fills the kitchen while its bakes ooohhhhhh *-*.
I love love love these mini pies!

S'Mores Mini Pies with Surprise

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 12 Mini Pies
Author Anna @ Anna Can Do It!


  • 250 gr puff pastry
  • 250 gr chocolate
  • 200 gr marshmallow
  • 2 banana


  • Roll out the pastry,leave it a little thicker or else it’ll flow out.
  • Slice the bananas.
  • Fill each little mold with 1-2 slice of banana, a little chocolate and a marshmallow.
  • Cover them with the remaining pastry.
  • Bake them for 10-15 minutes.

S'Mores Mini Pies with Surprise - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

The S’mores Mini Pies with surprise are unbelievably quick, decorative, delicious and as I said before…that smell…hmmmm

So come on, try them out! Oh and I’ll share some other filling soon! 🙂 Can’t wait!

Do you like mini pies? Mini or regular? What is your favorite filling?

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