Last Friday my future mother-in-law stated that they’ll come over at Saturday, so I had to think about a delicious but easy dessert, that they never tasted before. So I decided I make a cocoa blood orange cake.

© Anna Can Do It!
So this cake is made of a cocoa cake and a blood orange flavored cream of wheat and topped with a layer of cocoa.
Cocoa cake ingredients (In this case I doubled the amount below):
- 300 gr powdered sugar
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr flour
- 3-4 table-spoon unsweetened cocoa powder
- 5-6 table-spoon warm water
- 1 bag baking powder
First of all, pre-heat the oven and prepare the ingredients.
Devine the egg whites and the yolks to two separate bowls and add the half of the sugar to the whites and the other half to the yolk. First, beat the egg whites to a thick foam then repeat it with the yolks. measure out the warm water and pour it to the yolk ( be careful, if the water is to hot, it’ll cook the yolks and you’ll end up with a omlette), mix them. Now that you mixed the yolks with the water, add the cocoa powder, the flour and the baking powder. Slowly start to mix them together, when you need to lighten the mixture, add a little egg whites to it. When you feel it’s easier to stir, carefully add the remaining egg whites.
Grease a pan and pour the mixture into. Bake it on low-middle-heat for about 30 minutes. Don’t open the oven in the first 20 minutes, or else it’ll collapse (believe me, I made this mistake more than once). When it’s baked, let it cool, then cut it 2-3 layers.
Blood orange flavored cream of wheat ingredients (I didn’t doubled it’s amount):
- Semolina (I’m really sorry, I never measure it, but I think it was about 10 tablespoon, but use instant cream of wheat if that’s easier for you)
- 1 liter milk
- 100-150 gr sugar
- Blood orange extract (depends on how much you like it)
It’s really easy, pour the 1 liter milk to a saucer pan, add the remaining ingredients to the milk and mix them, cook it with stirring constantly. When it thickens, you’re done! Fill the cake with the cream.
Cocoa topping:
- 2 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 tablespoon warm water
Mix them and pour onto the top of the cake. If you want it to be more decorative, cut a few slice of blood orange and lay onto the cocoa layer!

© Anna Can Do It!
My future mother-in-low really loved it, so I think it’s a little victory! 🙂
I hope you’ll try this out and like it!
-Love, Anna
Hey, loving your blog! I’m a new food blogger and I think you will enjoy posts, would love a follow back! Thanks!
Thank you! I’ll check your blog out! :)) -Love, Anna
It’s always good to impress your future mother-in-law!
Yes 🙂 And what’s better way than cook/bake something delicious to her? 🙂