Little things

by Molnár-Papp Orsolya Anna

Hey Everyone!

After a long week, when I finally have a quiet moment, I just still, calm down and appreciate the little things around me…

Little things - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

I mentioned before, when I want to relax I go outside (and now I’m also go out for a workout), I enjoy watching and took pictures of little things. These can be flowers, bugs, butterflies, my cats, clouds, really anything… I appreciate these things, they put the stressful things out of my mind.

Little things - Anna Can Do It!
© Anna Can Do It!
Little things - Anna Can Do It!
© Anna Can Do It!
Little things - Anna Can Do It!
© Anna Can Do It!
Little things - Anna Can Do It!
© Anna Can Do It!

So, now I dare you to go out, just listen, watch and notice the little things around you!

What are your little things? Take a picture and share them, click the link below! Let us enjoy your little things!

Share your thoughts in comments below. If you like my posts, share the love with others!

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clairesyummybakes May 23, 2015 - 6:09 PM

Hi Anna I love your post I’ve done something the same on my blog which i mention you as that was where the idea came from x

Anna Can Do It! May 23, 2015 - 6:34 PM

Hi Claire! I’m so glad you liked it and unbelievably happy about your post! I loved it and I’ll share it! Thank you for mentioning and following me! Lot of love, Anna!


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