This is the last weekend of summer…I can’t believe how fast seasons goes by! Please tell me it’s not just me, but as I grow up, got older, the months, the seasons and the years seems to go by faster and faster.

© Anna Can Do It!
On Friday, Laci’s family and my family went out to (pre)celebrate Laci’s birthday (which is tomorrow). There is this popular restaurant in Gyula, the Sörpince (Beer cellar), since it’s mostly not for our budge, we rarely (once in a couple of years) visit it.
To tell the truth it’s really crowded, loud, my food was delicious, but the other’s was not that good… I ordered a Grill chicken breast with grilled camembert with green salad.

© Anna Can Do It!
I was so full when I finished..and I left a lot of the salad on my plate, ’cause I couldn’t bring myself to eat another bite of anything…
After the dinner we walked around a little, the others bought ice cream (which size was enormous…) but I was way to full for it, maybe someday…
Oh and we found a self-service ice cream shop to…it’s amazing (I mean the idea…) we’ll have to try that out soon!
It was only 9 pm when we arrived home, but I was so full and so tired, I passed out as soon as I landed on the bed…
Yesterday I realized that I forgot about something important for me….My blog just turned 1.5 years old 10 (!!!) days ago and I didn’t even noticed…How did this happened? Anyway, it’s really hard to believe that I’ve been blogging for 1.5 years now! I hope there will be a lot more! 🙂
At the beginning of the summer, I shared my hopes for the summer:
- Have a vacation: We went for that vacation and it was awful…
- Have time for my friend: Sadly, we didn’t managed to have a meeting, maybe in autumn…
- Workout more: Since the weather was hectic and most of the time was way to hot to do anything, I missed it too.
- Be a better blogger: Well, I don’t know if I became a better blogger, but I’m sure I learned a lot!
- Have a date!: Yess! We did it, on our 8th Anniversary! :))
- Be outside as much as I can: Again, it was way to hot to be outside and when it wasn’t that hot, it was raining…
- Have a great summer: Sadly, it wasn’t a great summer, but hey, maybe next year! 😀
It’s really sad to say goodbye to the Summer, but since I love Autumn, I won’t feel blue for long! I almost can taste the apple pie and the roasted pumpkin! :))
Now tell me about your last weekend of the summer and about your summer! Was it as you expected? Do you like Autumn, if so, what is your most favorite in it?