Hello Summer

by Molnár-Papp Orsolya Anna

Heey! Hello Summer!

I can’t believe it’s Summer already…I’m not ready for it just yet…however at the same time, I couldn’t wait any longer to enjoy the summer breeze and the rays of the Sun 🙂

Hello Summer - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

I have some hopes for this summer… I don’t know about you but since I’m an adult, summers are not the same anymore (I feel soooo old right now…).

So here comes my hopes:

  • Have a vacation: so hard to get away form work and have enough free time and money for a decent vacation…
  • Have time for my friend: Again, with everyone working, so hard to find a common date, which good to all of us…(note for them if they’re reading this: Hey guys, I miss you much!)
  • Eat more healthier: Aren’t we all?
  • Workout more: Well today I just made sure that’s not gonna happened any time soon, since my right knee hurts so much I can hardly stand on it…
  • Be a better blogger: There are so many thing I still have to improve in, but I hope I’ll be a better blogger by the end of the summer 🙂
  • Have a date!: It’s hard to believe but Laci and I never had a real date and we’ve been together for almost 8 years!! Now I think it’s just about time to have one…
  • Be outside as much as I can: If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know how much I love being outside…
  • Have a great summer…

What are your hopes for the Summer?

Share your thoughts in comments below. If you like my posts, share the love with others!

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