Hey Everyone! In this post I’m gonna share an easy, healthy and quick recipe! Sound too good? Well, the Mushroom-egg soup is delicious too! 😀 Let’s see it!

© Anna Can Do It!
- Mushroom
- Eggs (2/serve)
- Vegetable/chicken broth
- Vinegar
- Salt, pepper, chive, bay
Fist of all pour the broth to a pan and heat it. Meanwhile clean and cut the mushrooms. When the broth starts to boil, add the mushrooms and the seasonings, let them boil until the mushrooms are almost ready. Add a little vinegar (Taste the soup, be sure you didn’t add too much vinegar!). Be sure the soup is boiling then crack the eggs into a glass (one at one time) then carefully pour the egg to the soup, add the next but not too close to the previous and so on. Let it boil and not mix for a minute of two.

© Anna Can Do It!
Your eggs will hopefully looks like this. Cook it until the mushrooms and the eggs are ready The whole process will only take 10-15 minutes. The Mushroom-egg soup is easy, quick, healthy and delicious! I hope you’ll try it, be sure if you do, take pictures and share it with us! Good apetite! 🙂