Cauldron cooking

by Molnár-Papp Orsolya Anna

Cooking in cauldron is a traditional way of cooking in Hungary. (It’s like the BBQ in the US) I’m gonna show a pork stew recipe cooked in cauldron!

Cauldron cooking, pork stew - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

First of all, you’ll need a cauldron!:) It’s an easy pork stew recipe, but it takes time (about 1.5-2 hours).

Cauldron cooking, pork stew - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

Now that you have a cauldron, lets move to the ingredients. Cut the pork into about 1×1 inches cubes and dice the onion too. Well, you finished with the main preparation.
Add a little oil to the cauldron, then add the diced onion, fry it until it’s glassy.

Add the pork and fry it for 2-3 minutes. Add the paprika, but as soon as you added it, pour enough water to cover the meat. Add the seasoning and now all you have to do is let is boil, mix and taste it from time to time. For side dish we serve boiled potatoes or pasta! Try this recipe out, you won’t regret it!

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