Hey Everyone!
Can you belive the March is almost over?! Well as it’s the last Monday of the March, I’m gonna share the delicious, Creamy Chicken Stripes recipe.

© Anna Can Do It!
I don’t know about you, but figuring out what to cook every single evening, after work is really hard for me. It has to be varied, light but filling, budge-friendly and not a disadvantage if it’s healthy too…
So usually I make something like this following recipe, however it’s not my healthiest recipe, because of the cream, but hey, it’s Monday, so it seems legit…
- 500 gr Chicken breast (without the skin)
- 200 ml Cooking cream
- 1 large Onion
- Seasoning: salt, pepper, thyme, turmeric, cayenne pepper
Absolutely simple; cut the chicken breast into stripes (I cut them into about 5 cm x 1 cm stripes) and cut the onion into half rings (about half cm thick). Pre heat a little oil in a skillet and sauté the onion, when it’s caramelized a little, add the chicken stripes, season it and start frying. When the chicken breast stripes turned white, pour the cream onto them and cook it for about 5-10 minutes (depends on the chicken). For side-dish, I cooked rice.
My family couldn’t have enough of it and it was ready really fast. So if you anything like me and want to put a simple, quick and filling meal to the table, then it’s a prefect recipe for you too!
I hope you liked it and you’re gonna give it a try!
– Love, Anna