Hi Everyone!
Just a few days left until Christmas! Did I mentioned Christmas is my favorite holiday? The whole family together, everyone happy oh, and the decoration and the baking, cooking! I just love it!
Since the Christmas is a little different in Hungary, I want to introduce you my family’s Christmas preparations and traditions.

© Anna Can Do It!
Okay so, the main difference between the Hungarian and the American (Why I compare to the American Christmas? Well, it’s the most known… and most of my readers are American) Christmas is that while in America, Santa Clause gives the gifts, in Hungary, the little Jesus came and brings gifts. Don’t worry about us, we do have Santa, he came on its name day, on 6th of December, that’s when he brings little gifts to our boots.
The next difference is that we open the presents on Christmas Eve, it’s the Holy Night here.
Now my family traditions: On Christmas Eve’s morning we decorate the Christmas tree and the house. Later we spend the day with cooking, baking and wrapping the gifts (Laci and I had already wrapped them 😀 ) and watching Holiday movies. After dinner, we open the gifts (I think there is no need the explain why no one really has appetite before the gifts 😀 ).
On the first day of Christmas (you are singing now, aren’t you?) we usually go to my maternal grandparents. My grandmother prepares so much food like she thinks we are starving constantly. There, they give their gifts to the family.
The second day is ours that means I still have a lot to bake and cook 🙂 Here, we give our gifts to them.
This year, on the third day we go to Laci’s family to lunch, we came home and my paternal grandparents and my uncles come over, so we give their presents here.
On the fourth day (there is no fourth day, here, but who cares?) we go to my aunts’, there, they give their presents to us. (I have to take a pic of their cat! He/She is huge!!!)

© Anna Can Do It!
So that’s our Christmas traditions!
I promise I’ll try to take as much picture as I can and show our Christmas moments.
I hope you all will have peaceful, happy, healthy and perfect Holidays! I hope all your wishes come true and you’ll be surrounded with love and laughter!
Marry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy Hanukkah!
– Lot of love, Anna