Christmas Mood Boost – Blogmas 2017 Day 12

by Molnár-Papp Orsolya Anna

It’s the 12th day of Blogmas 2017, so it’s about time to get in Christmas mood! There are the things that boost my Christmas Mood!

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 7

© Anna Can Do It!

First of all, the biggest mood boost is/was the snow! It was absolutely gorgeous and fell in large snowflakes!

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

All the evergreens in our garden were covered with a thick layer of snow, and honestly, it made me feel so cozy and warm inside.

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

Also, the city’s Christmas tree is decorated already with these large, bright red gift boxes. It’s in front of my workspace, so I get to see it at least twice a day.

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

As it seems, our street is very calm and quite.

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

Oooh, the next things that boost my Christmas mood are the candles! If you know me at all, you knot I’m obsessed with candles this time of the year (let’s be honest, all year around). These scented candles are a huge boost on my mood, so I burn them almost all day, every day.

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

Christmas Mood Boost - Blogmas 2017 Day 12 - Anna Can Do It!

© Anna Can Do It!

What boosts your Christmas mood?

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© Anna Can Do It!


Also, check these recipes out!

  1. Healthy New Year, Healthier You – Healthy Snacks
  2. Baby Spinach Pesto – Pesto Pizza
  3. Green Tea Healthy Gummies with Honey Lemon Ginger
  4. Adagio Tea Review
  5. Spicy Stuffed Mushroom

Autumn Recipes

  1. Halloween Ghost Marshmallow Apple Pear Pie
  2. Roasted Butternut Squash with Cinnamon Honey Sauce
  3. Homemade Caramel Sauce
  4. Hot Butterbeer – Caramel Latte
  5. Pumpkin Parfait With Sesame Praline

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