Best birthday with the best birthday cake ever! ????
I turned 25 at the 8th of October! Despite of I spend half of my day at the dentist (long story), it waaay better birthday than the last one!
My family, my Fiancé and my colleagues wished my happy birthday, I made a delicious cake (recipe here), I didn’t had a crazy day at work and when I got home from the dentist, I curled up with a cup of tea and watched a movie with Laci. So all in all it was a quiet, calm and happy birthday!
As I mentioned before, we celebrate the birthdays, name days with the family; usually my maternal grandparents, my aunt and her partner, my cousins, my cousin’s boyfriend and my great-grandmother comes, that’s the close family. So yesterday the family came to celebrate my birthday, sadly my great-grandmother couldn’t come, she was too tired since she’s 95 year young…
We made my Ravioli Soup, some appetizer (recipe later), Dubarry Style Chicken (recipe later) and pasta salad. Everything was delicious, everyone was full.
We had a really great time, you know, chit-chating, laughing, story telling! I found the old pictures of my 1st birthday and some other family pictures few days before, so I showed them. It was so nice to remember all the old things, the stories, then memories! I still can’t stop smiling, so now I show some of those pictures to you too! 🙂
See, I was a happy camper and cute as a button! 😀 (And I’m not egoist at all :D)
It’s me and my grandfather “feeding” him with coffee :), I was only 1-year-old, but already feeding the family!
They taught me how to mess up the cake decoration…at first I didn’t get it, but as you see, later I get better at it! 😀 From then on we taught every kid to mess up their cake and it was funny with every single one of them! (Worth to try out and take a picture of them…)
I was full, happy (and still cute) after that cake :))
Now that we talking about cakes (yeah I know I’m the only one talking…I mean writing but that’s fine, it’d be weird if you’d talk back… and I can’t even hear it:D) the cherry on the top of my birthday was the best cake ever!
The lights were off when my brother brought tha cake in, so I only see what the candles enlighten and it was the flower….I was just about say that ‘Hey, it looks just like my logo!’ (it’s exactly that moment above) when they turned on the lights and I saw that it’s not only looks like my’s my logo on the cake!
It was mind blowing when I realized what my aunt made for me (she made the cake)…I can’t even describe that feeling, that endless happiness, I was surprised, shocked, happy and thankful at the same time! I’d never ever guessed what they’re up to, but this was the best surprise in my life!
After I wished and blow those candles the next mission was to free the cake from the bow 😀
I started to cut the cake…and my finger…auch that knife was sharp damnit!
But after I aid my finger, I finally had my slice of cake and it tasted just as amazing as it looked! It was blackberry flavored, sweet and sour, just the way I like my cakes!
I was so exhausted when the guests left, I take a hot bath and curled up once again with a cup of tea, watched a movie and passed out! It was my best birthday! 🙂
Tell me about your best birthday, your best birthday cake and how you celebrate the family events! I can’t wait to read your stories!