My first 10 day with Sworkit app! I can’t stop smiling ever since. 🙂

© Anna Can Do It!
I’ve found the Sworkit app 11 days ago and to be honest, I’ve fallen in love with it immediately!
First of all, it’s simple, you can use the app’s workout or you can make a custom one. The Sworkit offers you 5 minute workout in the category of strength, cardio, yoga and stretching. All category contains sub categories, so you can choose the workout suits you the best.
I chose to make a custom workout from the app’s exercise list with 66 workout. With the custom workout I can choose custom length of workout every time I use it.
You can achieve medals depends on how long you’ve worked out: for 5 minutes or more you get bronze medal, for 15 or more you get silver medal and for 30 minutes or more you get gold medal! I can tell it’s a really great motivation to do 30 minutes workouts!
In my custom Sworkit workout I focus of stretching and strength, because I don’t want to repeat last year’s injury and I still can’t really do cardio that puts pressure on my knees. But these exercises are moves me just as much as I need it, I love it!
The app gives you the exercises randomly, each exercise is 30 second long and you get 30 second break after every 5 exercise.
So my exercises: (Note: some of them are tricky, it looks so easy, but don’t let it fool you, it’s hard!)
- Chest expander
- Overhead Press
- Power Circles
- Wall Push-Ups
- Abdominal Crunch
- Bent Leg Twist
- Good Mornings
- Leg Spreaders
- Plank
- Reach Throughs
- Reach Ups
- Scissor Kicks
- Standing Side Crunch
- Steam Engine
- Windmill
- Calf Raises
- Front Kicks
- Squats
- Wall Sit
- Ankle on the Knee
- Arm and Shoulder Stretch
- Arm Circles
- Bending Windmill Stretch
- Butterfly Stretch
- Calf Stretch
- Hamstring Stretch Standing
- Hurdlers Stretch
- Knee to Chest Stretch
- Lower Back Stretch
- Neck Stretch
- Overhead Arm Pull
- Quadricep Stretch
- Seated Hamstring Stretch
- Shoulder Shrugs
- Side Stretch
- Single Leg Hamstrings
- Single Leg Stretch
- Hip Raise
- Laying Back Extension
- Laying Spinal Twist
- Quadraplex
- Side Circles
- Spine Stretch Forward
- Bridge Pose
- Camel Pose
- Cat Pose
- Child Pose
- Cobra Pose
- Cow Pose
- Head to Knee (Left and Right)
- Pigeon Pose (Left and Right)
- Side Bend (Left and Right)
- Twist (Left and Right)
- Warrior Pose I (Left and Right)
- Warrior Pose II (Left and Right Forward)
- Wide Leg Forward Fold
- Wide Leg Stance
- Wide Leg Stance Arms Up
Oh and I almost forget the best part of working out! The outfits! I just found a great, cute Atmosphere workout outfit! It’s so hard to find budget-friendly and not cheep-feeling workout clothes and this is one of those rare ones! 🙂
All I can say, download the app and enjoy your workouts, that’s what I did in the last 10 day! 🙂