Often catch cold lately, so I decided, it’s time to make some vitamin boost food/drink. I’ll show what I made lately and I hope, I’ll be able to post some more vitamin boost posts in the near future.

© Anna Can Do It!
The first one is a vitamin boost snack. I love pomegranate, it’s perfect for snacking, it’s low-calorie (about 80-90 kcal/100 gr), but considering that I can’t eat a whole pomegranate at one sitting, it’s really not much. The pomegranate is full of vitamin-C, vitamin-K, antioxidant and boosts the immunity.

© Anna Can Do It!
Who loves the infused water? *Waving*
Okay, so I love the citrus waters, so when it comes to boost my immunity and my vitamin dose, it’s a perfect way to do.
I used a large grapefruit, two large orange and a lemon, I squeezed them into a bottle, added water and a little sugar (If I had honey, I’d use that instead..).

© Anna Can Do It!
Salads! They’re not just delicious, but if you make them right, they’re low-calorie.
In the first salad (above) I diced an iceberg salad, added a little cucumber and for the texture and the tasted I cut a mozzarella into it. Before you ask yourself (and me), no I didn’t used any dressing, I added a pinch of salt and that was it, no need for dressing.

© Anna Can Do It!
The next salad was more filling. I used iceberg salad and cucumber again, but boosted the salad with a tomato and a little roasted chicken breast (I made it myself, if you want to make sure you know what you eat, make it yourself…).
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, that the cucumber, and the tomato is home-grown! *proud*

© Anna Can Do It!
When I’m finally in autumn mood, all I crave for is roasted pumpkin, easy to make, delicious and healthy! Cut it into smaller pieces (we usually cut it into 8). Roast it on low-heat for about an hour (you’ll see – and smell – when it’s done).

© Anna Can Do It!
I’ll try to make and post more vitamin boost and healthy food and drink! 🙂
-Love, Anna