Hey Everyone!
I’m back! With a beautiful theme and now self-hosted (thanks to Wpbeginner to setting up the blog) blog! This last few weeks felt like I was Alice in Wonderland…
Why the Alice in Wonderland metaphor? Well, I didn’t meet any crazy rabbit, but I did met with Mickey Mouse and a crazy hedgehog….
About Mickey…so imagine an average workday, Laci and I were out of school to arrange something, when we got back, I was about to closed the door, looked behind aaand Mickey Mouse was behind me…since we live well far from Disneyland and/or Hollywood, it’s not an everyday sight to run into any Walt Disney character…
So, what can I do…I opened the door for him…
Well, we figured out he was publicize a circus, so we showed him around the school. The kids gone mad the moment they saw him… 😀 The first graders were like a zombie apocalypse, grabbed and dragged him and laughing the whole time! It was scary, really! When I rescued him from the 6-7 years olds, we visited the higher graders too, well at least they didn’t tried to take apart, some of them screamed, some of them laughed, he really got wide range of reactions, but he made our kids day 🙂
Well the next craziness, don’t go shopping with me when I’m tired…
Crazy glasses? Let’s try on! 😀 Anyway, who want to wear them for real? Where would they wear it? On the street or a festival? Why even produce glasses like this? Crazy or not, I still looked fab with these glasses too! 😀
About the crazy hedgehog, you won’t believe this…A crazy hedgehog just chased(!) me the other day…for real…it run really fast! Don’t laugh! It was scary! Normal hedgehogs are cute and shy, they hide the minute they see you, not run after you! Well of course later I realized it was probably a she and she probably had baby hedgehogs and it was afraid of me, but believe me, I am more afraid of her than she is of me…
Last Friday was our 8th graders’ graduation, which was really nice, we’ll really miss them. It’s a tradition in this school to have a “crazy graduation” a few days before the real one, on this day they all wear crazy costumes, wear a lot of lipstick, singing songs and go into every classes to say goodbye to their fellow students (and kiss some of them -friends, siblings- on the cheek). Well, I didn’t get away from lipstick stains either…
And finally, Cilike finally gave birth to 5 little furrballs…I really really hope, this time everything will go well… *fingers crossed*
Aren’t they lovely?
Well, these were really crazy weeks with the over hours at work, the blog moving, with meeting Mickey, the crazy hedgehog, the 8th graders’ graduation and with the 5 little furrball….
What will happen next…?!
Tell me about your week? What was the craziest thing happened to you lately? Did you ever had crazy weeks?