I can’t believe it’s the last day of the year, but as I scrolled through my posts I realized it was a busy year and far better than the previous one. So, now I share this Best of 2015 post with you, swelled with pride! 🙂

© Anna Can Do It!
Before I share my best posts I want to brag a little about blood donation. Yesterday I’ve given blood for the second time, I’m proud of myself and I’d like to ask you, please, donate blood if you can! Hopefully I’ll be able to give blood 2 times next year too! 🙂
I just gave blood for the first time! So proud! #giveblood
Anna Papp (@anna_annacandoit) által közzétett fénykép,
But now the posts! I hope you’ll find some interesting if you haven’t already found!
You know the feeling, when you crave for some snack or sweet but still want a healthy choice?
Last week I mentioned that hopefully I’ll post some whole grain recipe. So here comes the Whole oat apple cake!
2. Healthy New Year Challenge Summary
It’s officially over…Here is my Healthy New Year Challenge summary:
I’ll miss waiting for the new challenge every week. But I’m gonna stick to what I’ve already achieved, work on what I didn’t achieve yet. This way easier to live healthy!
I mentioned at my Healthy New Year Challenge Summary that I’m working on a Delicious Egg Salad, so, here we are:
Today I’m gonna share an unpronounceable recipe (at least it’s unpronounceable for me). The Sauerkraut casserole! But on the bright side, it’s really delicious and filling.
Happy π Day!
Today I’m gonna share a really easy, healthy and no-bake cherry pie in the honor of the Pi Day!
6. Turkey Medallion-Vegetable Stir Fry
I have a delicious and healthy Turkey Medallion-Vegetable Stir Fry for you! I hope you’re ready for some turkey and veggies!
Can you belive the March is almost over?! Well as it’s the last Monday of the March, I’m gonna share the delicious, Creamy Chicken Stripes recipe.
In honor of April I’m gonna share a lovely color dessert. It’s gonna be a quick and simple one with the refreshing taste of blood orange. The Blood Orange Tiramisu.
We had beautiful weather, so yesterday we went for a little trip with my parents. First our destination was Bogács’s vine cellars, but luckily our trip didn’t ended there…Here is my Trip – Szalajka Valley.
Keep calm, it’s almost Friday! So, today I’m gonna share yet another stir fry recipe. It’s low-calorie, low-carb, but high-protein meal. It’s the Cabbage-Mushroom Stir Fry!
11. Cauliflower-Broccoli Crust Pizza
Today I’m gonna show my non-traditional cauliflower-broccoli crust pizza! I promise it’s delicious, easy and healthier than the traditional pizza crusts.
12. Strawberry Yoghurt Tiramisu
We’re half way through the week! Tomorrow night we’ll have Torchlight Procession and I wanted to share a delicious and beautiful color dessert with you before that. The Strawberry Yoghurt Tiramisu is probably not the healthiest, but it’s pretty healthy to me and really refreshing!
I promised my parents to make my spinach bread again a few weeks ago and finally I have a little time to make it! I changed the recipe, but the result was even better than last year.
So if you’re looking for a healthy, delicious, colorful and not-avarage bread to bake, than you’re on the right place! So, let’s see the Whole Wheat Spinach Bread!
14. Why Work Outside Is More Effective?
Today I’m gonna share why work outside is more effective to me, some beautiful picture I took while I relaxed and worked and an easy but delicious omelette recipe! Sound great? Read on!
It’s Monday again, but I have a delicious recipe for you! I hope you don’t mind another stir fry recipe, but I’m in love with them lately! The Chicken-Mushroom Stir Fry is a quick, healthy and diabetic recipe, 1 serving contains 34 g carb, but it includes the noodle too! So here we go!
16. Lunch Wraps and Announcement
This has been a long, tiring and tough week, so I didn’t have as much time for the blog as I wanted to have…but since it’s Sunday no other things to do!
Okay so today I’m gonna share my Lunch Wraps and Announcement.
Baked Mini Doughnuts! Are you ready for a mini sweetness? It’s mini, cute, sweet, delicious, quick…do you need any more persuasion?! No? Good! Here we go!
18. Little Things
After a long week, when I finally have a quiet moment, I just still, calm down and appreciate the little things around me…
Today I’m gonna share a healthy, easy, simple but mouth-watering recipe. You probably know by now that I love stir fries, they’re quick and mess-free ways to make dinner after work. Beside the stir fries I also love the freshness, the taste of bok choy. So, here is the Bok Choy Chicken Stir Fry.
20. Free 28-Day Workout Plan, Free Printables
Finally here I am with my very first 28-Day Workout Plan! I made 3 different level, so you can choose the plan best for you. The Level 1 is the lightest and the Level 3 is the hardest. Personally I did the Level 3 plan (so I know other coach potatoes like me can do it too...), but don’t push it if you’re not sure you’re comfortable with higher level!
21. Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast
Today I’m gonna share a heavenly delicious Wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast recipe! Simple, easy but it takes some time, promise it’ll worth to wait for!
Today I’ll share a tasty, skinny chicken salad, perfect for summer days! It’s fresh, healthy, low-calorie, light and yeah, its delicious!
23. Pork Cauliflower Casserole
You know how I love casseroles, they’re relatively mess-free ways to cook, also they’re so easy and delicious!
So, today I’m gonna share my easy, mess-free pork cauliflower casserole. It’s simple, quick, filling and delicious!
24. Grilling
The weather is great, finally have some free time, so we’re grilling outside today
Today I’ll share some cute picture of out (today) 5 weeks old kittens! I hope you’ll like them!
26. Zucchini Bread
Tasty, rich, moist and almost healthy zucchini bread recipe. Your friends and family will never tell it’s from zucchini, so it’s great for kids too!
The other day I was checking my Youtube for some music to listen, but my homepage was what really caught my attention. After a few minute of browsing it I realized how weird is my taste in music….
The fantastic Loriley, the founder of the Food Blogger community on Twitter (#fdbloggers) came up with the idea of getting know each other better by answering her questions and share it with the#fdbloggerGTK hashtag.
The Food Blogger community has a chat hour on every Thursday evening with different topic each time. I met many wonderful and inspiring food bloggers at these online chats and I fancy the idea to get to know each other by this hashtag.
29. Butter Beer aka Caramel Latte
Hot autumn, winter beverage; inspired by J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World’s Butter Beer, but for the Muggles it’s a Caramel Latte! This heavenly beverage will warm your heart, body and soul and brings a little magic to your life!
Simple and tasty granola recipe for the Fall Lovers. Perfect for snack or breakfast. Making it will bring you the spirit of the Fall and fill the whole kitchen with the amazing cozy and heart warming smell.
31. 25th Birthday
Best birthday with the best birthday cake ever!
32. Autumn Break
It was fantastic, amazing, wonderful, relaxing, tiring, happy, stunning, dreamy, so all in all it was a perfect autumn break!
Easy, savory, cheesy, hot appetizer and since it’s not really mess-free and simple, you can make them with kids! It’s fun, looks and tastes great!
34. Christmas Fair – Mulled Cider
A cup of hot, aromatic mulled cider can elevates everyone’s mood, warm the body and soul.
35. Christmas Recap with Recipes
Christmas is one of my favorite time of the year beside spring. I still get excited about the tree, about the gifts, about the meals and this year was no different! Let me show you my Christmas in 2015 and two delicious recipes.
So these were my bests of this year!
Tell me about your year in comment! How will you spend this day and night? Will you have any resolution?
I wish you all a very happy, healthy, wealthy new year! Please stay safe, enjoy yourself, forget about everything else and see you in 2016!
Ps.: The Healthy New Year Six-Week Challenge is on again, so come on and join us on Facebook, also I’ll post about the Challenge every week. It starts on 4th of January! Let’s start the year healthier!