Avocado Caprese Salad

by Molnár-Papp Orsolya Anna

Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It’s a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light!

Avocado Caprese Salad - Anna Can Do It! * Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It's a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light!

© Anna Can Do It!

I absolutely adore avocados, must have them every time I see some in the store! So when last weekend I lust for some caprese salad and spotted some avocados I knew I need to combine them in a divine, rich salad! Also since I had some mushrooms, I roasted and added them to the salad too!

Avocado Caprese Salad - Anna Can Do It! * Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It's a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light!

© Anna Can Do It!

The result was amazing! Truly fallen in love with Avocado Caprese Salad! Honestly this was one of my favorite and best salads!
First of all, adding avocados to a caprese salad was a genius idea, thanks to the creaminess of the avocados, I didn’t need any  dressing! Second of all, the mushroom was also a great idea, thanks to its texture, I didn’t need any meat in my salad! And finally caprese is such a great and classic salad, it’s perfect for salad base too!

Avocado Caprese Salad - Anna Can Do It! * Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It's a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light!

© Anna Can Do It!

Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It's a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light! Share on X

Avocado Caprese Salad

Avocado Caprese Salad

Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It's a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 serving Avocado Caprese Salad
Author Anna @ Anna Can Do It!


  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 Mushroom
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1/2 cup Mini Mozzarella
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper
  • 1/4 tsp Basil


  • Dice the avocado, mushroom and tomato.
  • Half the mini mozzarella.
  • Roast or grill to mushroom.
  • Mix the avocado, tomato, mozzarella.
  • Season it.
  • Add roasted mushroom.
  • Mix them well.

I made this salad just for myself, so feel free to multiple the ingredients!

All in all, it’s a must-try salad, so versatile and delicious, you won’t regret to give it a try! Also you can add some seed like sunflower seed or pumpkin seed to add some crunchiness. Most likely I’ll spend my next few weeks making this delicious salad all the time.

Avocado Caprese Salad - Anna Can Do It! * Quick, easy and healthy Avocado Caprese Salad with roasted mushroom, creamy avocado, fresh tomato and rich mozzarella. It's a perfect salad for breakfast, dinner or lunch, filling, yet light!

© Anna Can Do It!

  • Do you like classic salads like caprese?
  • What is your favorite avocado salad?
  • What is you favorite dressing for salads?

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Athletic Avocado July 15, 2016 - 5:34 PM

I love that you added avocado in this! it looks delicious!

Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 15, 2016 - 5:43 PM

Thank you! I think it was the best idea for this salad! :)) It was truly divine!

Rebecca @ Strength & Sunshine July 16, 2016 - 10:01 PM

Haha, okay so I haven;t bought an avocado in like a year, and I actually bought one TODAY (to reshoot an old recipe), I like them, just, i don’t know…haha!

Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 16, 2016 - 10:06 PM

That was actually me a few years ago, I liked them, but that was it, now I love them! But it’s okay not to love them! 🙂

Yami July 18, 2016 - 3:48 PM

This looks great! I may need to try this! My hubby would love it!

Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 18, 2016 - 4:19 PM

Thank you! Definitely worth to try it! I hope you guys will love it! – Love, Anna

Ursula Ball July 18, 2016 - 6:05 PM

OMG this avocado salad is so simple and delicious too! 🙂



Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 18, 2016 - 7:14 PM

Thanks Ursula! I’m so glad you liked it! – Love, Anna

Catrin Egerfors (theVeganista) July 18, 2016 - 8:34 PM

Love it, looks so good!!

Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 18, 2016 - 8:40 PM

Thank you Catrin! :)) I’m really glad you like it! :)) – Love, Anna

Megan Elgart July 18, 2016 - 9:31 PM

omg, looks sooooo good!

Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 18, 2016 - 9:55 PM

Thanks Megan! :))

Shreya Kapoor July 19, 2016 - 4:28 AM

This looks so scrumptious and I bet is just as delicious! Will have to try this!

Anna @ Anna Can Do It! July 19, 2016 - 6:53 AM

Thanks Shreya! 🙂 I hope you’ll like it! – Love, Anna


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